Monday, February 6, 2012

Update on Ryan

Hi there,

I just wanted to pop in and give everyone a little update on Ryan. Ryan contiunes daily to make improvements. God's hands have truly been at work. Ryan has been speaking in full sentences, and the other day he sang one of his favorite praise and worship songs. (How awesome is that?) He also was able to sit up in a chair! Kalyn is doing much better since her surgery.

We have a major prayer request. Ryan will be undergoing surgery tomorrow to replace the flap of his skull that was removed after the accident to relieve the swelling in his brain. He will be in ICU for a couple of days afterwards. Once he has fully recovered from the surgery tomorrow, he then will be able to go to the Shepherd Center. Please contiune to lift up Ryan and the entire Klimek family.

On a side note, we would like to thank everyone who has purchased the Pray...Believe shirt. People from all over the country have been ordering them. We've sent shirts to Georgia, Mississippi, Massachusetts, Washington, Illinois, Indiana, California, and Nevada. We are blown away by your support! There are still plenty of shirts left, and all proceeds go to the Klimek family. You can purchase shirts HERE

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hi bloggy world,

We are back! We hope your 2012 is off to a great start! I know we are a month behind, but we wanted to share some of our goals for the new year.

Our goals for Shine Love...
* give back to missions
* grow our online business
* do a few local craft shows
* be consistent bloggers

Crystal's goals...
* take sewing lessons to learn how to make my own clothes
* volunteer
* join a club
* study a new language

Ashley's goals...
* learn to sew
* go to Guatemala with Mission Firefly
* cook more
* serve and give more in all areas of her life

What are some of your goals? It's not to late to get started on it, and you still have 11 months left to accopmplish it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Ryan and Kalyn on their wedding day Oct 2011
Courtesy of Amy P Photography
Hello friends... It's been a while since our last post (it's one of our New Year's resolutions to be better bloggers), and a lot has been going in our lives that we will catch you up on in the upcoming blog posts... But first, we wanted to ask you to join us in our new mission for our friends Ryan and Kalyn. Ryan and Kalyn were in a horrible accident on January 15, 2012 in which Ryan suffered from a brain injury. He is thankfully on the road to recovery. While he and Kalyn will be without work for a while for the recovery process, we would like for you to join us in helping lift the financial burden. In honor of Ryan's tattoos on each of his wrists, we have a created a replica t-shirt design of those tattoos for purchase in which all the proceeds will be donated to the Klimek family. You can purchase those t-shirts in our Store.Thank you for your support in advance, please continue to pray for Ryan, Kalyn, and their entire family!
Courtesy of Amy P Photography
Kalyn being as cute as always and Ryan being the Ryan we know and love!

I found this pic and couldn't resist posting it. Ryan went to the beach with us back in 2006
and he and Kaitlin were best buds on the trip! 
Pray...Believe T-Shirts
Design is a replica of Ryan's tattoos on each his his wrists
Thanks Kristen and Zach!!