Monday, November 14, 2011


Ashley asked me to make a queen size quilt for Kaitlin's new bedroom. I told her I was up for the challenge, but made it clear that I had never made anything bigger than a baby blanket! We went shopping for fabric. Kaitlin wanted something that looked vintage, and it must have peace signs.
I cut a lot of squares....a lot!

Laying out all the pieces.

Ready to basted together, and then it was ready to be quilted.

I had a lot of fabric scraps, so I decided to make matching pillows.

The finished front side.

Close up of the front side

A view of the back of the quilt.

Two matching pillows

I think it looks great in Kait's new room!

So colorful!

Not to shabby for my first quilt! For now I'll stick to making baby blankets...they are much easier. I hope you like it!